Simple Church Network (Ohio)

A New Testament House Church Network

Gardening and Choices

I hope your weeks are going well. Spending time gardening this week gave me time to think about the creativity and variety God has worked into the world for our benefit.

We've added some raised garden beds to our yard this year. Just for my tiny garden beds, I had to choose between three kinds of zucchini alone. And that is not counting the two kinds of beans (out of dozens of kinds available), the three types of tomato plants, the peppers, carrots, peas, herbs, and flowers.

And all this variety is not strictly necessary. He could have made a perfectly balanced nutritional substance that would sustain life. He didn't have to make food taste good or give us so much choice.

But He gave us variety in flavors, nutrients, colors, and growing patterns. The only reason for that is our enjoyment and happiness. Choice is one of His most precious gifts, and He wants us to have choices in even these things.

Working with them is enjoyable full-body exercise, so sustains health in more ways than just nutritional.

Take time to notice and appreciate the blessings God has put in place today.