Simple Church Network (Ohio)

A New Testament House Church Network


Happy New Year! It is very, very cold here at the start of this year, and our thoughts are already jumping ahead to spring and the plans for gardens, outdoor projects, camping, or just being outside without the air being painful.

At the new year, we tend to make resolutions to lose weight or exercise more or eat better, but we often leave out spiritual health. This is arguably the most important kind of health - I find that when I'm mindful of my spiritual life, I kind of automatically remember to take walks and eat more vegetables. When first things are in place, everything else lines up easier and more effectively.

In the plans for the upcoming year, be sure to plan for how you will grow your spiritual life. Maybe you need to be more mindful of the Sabbath. Perhaps you are forgetting daily prayer time, or are reading or watching so much junk that your soul is dying. Think of one change that you will do, starting today, that will improve your spiritual health. Start with just one - if your list is too long, you'll get overwhelmed and quit. But if you choose something simple - ten minutes of prayer each morning, one spiritually edifying book each month, working through a 'read the Bible in a year' program - you'll be amazed at how you grow.

Comment and let us know how your spiritual health is doing!